Monday, December 21, 2009

Are republicans in the pockets of big oil companies?

drill, baby, drillAre republicans in the pockets of big oil companies?
Lets see ... lots of tax relief for oil companies who have RECORD profits. Yet the American citizens, who are suffering RECORD unemployment - is not getting any tax relief at all.Are republicans in the pockets of big oil companies?
Both of the parties are. The oil companies donate money to both sides of the campaign because they know enough not to take sides. Interestingly enough, CNN and Fox both reported this morning on campaign contributions received by various politicians from Fannie Mae. Senator Dodd was number one at $165K, Senator Obama was #2 at $121K, and McCain was bottom on the list at $21K.

Which industry is causing our economy to tank right now (and having the most impact)? It isn't the oil industry, it is the banking industry. It was the banking industry that started this whole mess and it is the banking industry that is now propelling it to the next level.

Focus on what is important!
Well, the point of drilling would be to lessen our dependency on foreign oil, which means lowering the gas prices, which means cheaper gas for consumers, which means more money in the pockets of the american people, which also means we aren't feeding money to terrorists in the middle east so they can buy bombs to blow us up! I don't think the republicans are big on that...maybe the democrats are. I mean, they are the ones who thought it was a good idea to sell weapons to those terrorists a few decades back. So, yeah, Drill Baby Drill!
That would be George Soros, relentless Obama supporter and owner of several Haliburton stocks. Oil companies lobby like any other organization. To them it makes no difference if they are Republican or Democrats as long as they get what they want. The better question is why aren't people commending Palin, who fought corruption from these Oil companies in her own state, and instead trying to crucify her?
Hey - why is that so many congress members against drilling own EXXON BIG OIL SHARES? Dems in Congress that are making RECORD PROFITS on high gas prices! Hinchey a Dem Congress member slipped on TV said EXXON is trying to Buy back our Shares! This is a Oil War between Oil Co. and Congress- for MONEY PERSONALLY! They don't give a HOOT about how it hurts us SMALL PEOPLE!




Country FIRST!

People OVER the Party!
It's not like the big oil companies are hurting in the current situation. They're making some big profits. I don't think the ';drill, baby, drill'; mantra is coming from big oil whispering in republican's ears. It's just what we need to do.
Both parties are. If you look for wrongness in one camp and not the other. Look for the good things in Hitler and the bad in General Patton. You will ending up trusting Hitler.
Yes,the G.O.P. is big oil companies' b!tch.Doing the ';right'; thing is wrong thing for the U.S. ,oil says jump Bush says how high
democrats are in everyones pockets.except the poor and lazy,there voter base.
Hey, they're in the pockets of ALL corporations. Willing lapdogs!
Yes, and the pockets have holes in them for easy access.
Only if I were directly working for them... which I don't... but don't think it wasn't tempting
yeah, we need to keep IMPORTING oil rather than producing our own!
That's one of the main reasons why your army is there.
They are in bed with them, literally. Haven't you been following the news?
The reps are the big oil companies in the U.S.

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