Monday, December 21, 2009

Isn't i time that we the Consumer hit the Government/Oil companies where it hurts and have a fuel boycott day

If this was adhered to and done regularly it would cause maximum chaos to themIsn't i time that we the Consumer hit the Government/Oil companies where it hurts and have a fuel boycott day
A nice idea. But we need another fuel strike like in 2000. But unfortunately, Boris, this is Britain and the majority of people will be of the opinion where ';oh no we couldn't possibly do such a thing.'; Instead the government walks all over us. We need to make a stance but getting the numbers up will be nigh on impossible.

Maybe a coup instead!!!Isn't i time that we the Consumer hit the Government/Oil companies where it hurts and have a fuel boycott day
Excellent idea, but a month of consumers making journeys alone on a bicycle, while cycles are still relatively cheap, would benefit one and all considerably more. Governments and oil companies can only get away with charging us the amount we are prepared to pay. Classical economics predicts that a supply that exceeds demand result in price cutting. So clearly, those would rather pay through the nose, than use their legs in any meaningful way are quite content, for themselves, and indeed everyone else to get fleeced.
Here's a novel idea: Why don't we actually try blaming the people responsible... politicians!

They prevent more drilling and building new refineries, then they mandate the use of a food for fuel thus reducing our food supply.

All the while they soak up their investments in the oil industry and call the executives into hearings about price gouging never finding anything wrong.
Sorry, that just won't work. Even if EVERYONE boycotted using fuel once a week (and that's a HUGE if), they'd still NEED the fuel. So they would just plan to have a full tank that day. It's not like you can skip a fill-up... eventually you are going to have to make up the deficit you created. The oil industry can handle an occasional day of non-usage when they know you'll be coming back to them eventually.
Boycotting one day won't do anything. All it does is instead of buying gas that day, they'd buy it the next day. Conserving the gas and using less on a daily basis is what needs to be done. It's something that has to be done on a daily basis, not a day here and there.
Good luck with all that. I think it's a wonderful idea it's just the people who complain the most don't seem to want to get up and do anything about it. They are more comfortable sitting back, complaining, and waiting for someone else to fix things for them.
The days of people pulling together and staging protest and marches, boycotting petrol are long gone. People don't care anymore. they'll carry on paying these crazy petrol prices! We've lost our National identity and with it, the drive that made us 'British'!!
It would not make a lick of difference really. One day of fuel boycott would not cut their profits that much. Now if people started doing mass car pools and using public transport in mass that might put a dent into big oil's profits.
Yes, you're right! Do you remember what happened when the farmers protested? This would be even better but unfortunately not everyone will join in.
Too many cars and too many selfish people.

The greed of the oil comapnies is fueled (excuse the pun!) but our greed for the car.
True, but then the day after everyone will go and fill up again and the oil company's money would be restored to them. Biofuel. Use up old chip fat!
Here Here Boris oh and good luck with the mayoral campaign
Yes - I think so
Yeah..just let me filll up the day before.

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