Friday, December 25, 2009

Has Bush been better for oil companies, or Islamic extremists?

You have to say both have done extremely well under his tenure of Office.

The Oil companies are making the sort of profits they could only fantasize about.... look at exxon only last week, and the Islamic Terrorists now fill every frontpage and News bulletin on every news station.

In the mean time the American people have been royally screwed. Thanks GWBHas Bush been better for oil companies, or Islamic extremists?
NeitherHas Bush been better for oil companies, or Islamic extremists?
He is far better than anybody from the Fascist party (Democrat) has ever had.

Wow, the left sure has some stupid answers here.
some people will defend bush till the end . gw was great but o dont ever let us forget o bill got a b j i think eric still has time to go to iraq and kill some people just call king george and say kill kill kill
Haven't you gotten tired of asking the same old question over the past 6 years?... get a life... and a brain would help too...

And both bad for the American people.
He has been better off for psychiatrist since he has filled their offices with morons with Bush Derangement syndrome.
Both, I think! But, mostly oil companies! *sm*
Bush has been better for the alcoholic beverage companies.
Both have experienced increase.
Oil companies have record profits.

Terrorists have had the best recruiting tool they could ask for.

It's tough to call, but I'd go with oil companies.
Actually both. He played right into the extremists hands by invading Iraq giving them a killing ground to get Americans and recruit more extremists because of the invasion.

And oil has gone up to $100 a barrel under his watch because of instability fears due to the war and undiminished demand at home and him not being environmentally conscious and to conserve.
both dont forget weapons manufacturing, haliburton, and the uber rich in general
Considering we created Islamic Extremism during the cold war to fight the Russians. I would have to say the Oil Companies have benefited more.
ask Osama bin Laden. He was all upset that the Democrats didn't stop funding the war. He and all the terrorists totally support getting Democrats elected. Makes you pause and think?
Instead of spitting out baseless accusations, why dont you give us some cold hard facts to support your claim for a change. You people that talk sh!t about America for the sake of bashing Bush really SUCK!

Does anyone on here even have the first clue as to how oil prices are set? You are so clouded with hostility and bitterness that you dont let the facts get in the way of your thought process.
NO! Better for ME!!!

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