Friday, December 25, 2009

Is it coincidence that Bush,Cheney are Oil men and Oil companies have never made more money???

No. It's called more people buying gas or buying lots more of it.Is it coincidence that Bush,Cheney are Oil men and Oil companies have never made more money???
Bush was in the oil industry for less than 10 years and that was 20 years ago.

Cheney was Chairman of Halliburton for 5 years. They are involved with equipement and services in the oil business but they are not an ';oil company';.

The investments of both men are in a blind trust.

It's a coincidence that both men have had some connection to the oil industry while prices are soaring. Same coincidence as Bill Clinton lobbying for Middle East Oil countries.Is it coincidence that Bush,Cheney are Oil men and Oil companies have never made more money???
No, Cheney and the oil companies planned this all out in their secret meeting back in 2001. We know from the log books that the heads of these companies met with Cheney, but the details of their meeting was kept secret. What did they have to hide?
No. Why do you people insist on grasping at this straw? Give it up already. It is paranoid and pathetic, quite frankly. Not to mention not helping your case whatsoever.
Bush says he was investing in the war and was making money outta of it. Nothing wrong their. Presidents make money from leadership. Much like Clinton and his books.
Bush was never really an oil man;Cheney was. It is not a coincidence it is just good business.
No, it's called smart business sense and wise investing.
you want a coincidence? look up Al Gore and Carbon Credits.
Ummm what? How did you escape from the creche?

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