Tuesday, December 15, 2009

When oil is as high as $130,who gains the most ? is it opec and the oil prod.countries or oil companies OR?

it is those buying oil commodities futures.When oil is as high as $130,who gains the most ? is it opec and the oil prod.countries or oil companies OR?
the first time OPEC really upped the price in the early 70's

it was because western governments made more from tax than they received for the oilWhen oil is as high as $130,who gains the most ? is it opec and the oil prod.countries or oil companies OR?
Remember Enron and the California Energy Crisis.

Someone is manipulating the markets.
Oil producing countries and they should be held accountable after all its not like they are running low
Since 40% of all pension plans and IRA's are invested in oil stocks. Me.

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